
Top 5 best things to do in the Lake District when it rains with dogs

6 mins read
Things to do in the Lake District when it rains with dogs - dog with an umbrella
Things to do in the Lake District when it rains with dogs

If you and your four-legged friends have had enough of the wet, where can you go? Well there are lots of undercover and indoor dog-friendly attractions here in Cumbria. Check out some of our ideas for the best things to do in the Lake District when it rains with dogs.

Sad dog looking out of the window looking for things to do in the Lake District when it rains with dogs
Sad dog looking for things to do in the Lake District when it rains with dogs.

1. Take to the water without getting wet

A cruise on a lake is a lovely way to take in the scenery. Choose a boat with an inside cabin, and you can keep dry at the same time! 

Dog shaking his Wet fur - Things to do in the Lake District when it rains with dogs
Who said I want to be dry?? Snarf Snarf!

The following all welcome well-behaved dogs on leads:

2. Dog-friendly museums

  • Allan Bank house, Grasmere gets the National Trust’s top-level ‘three paw print’ rated place. It’s definitely not your normal stately home-type of property, with no carpets to ruin! Just keep your dog on a lead as there are sheep and red squirrels around.
  • Lakeland Motor Museum, Backbarrow – With 30,000 exhibits, in this converted mill there should be enough distractions to keep the humans happy. Dogs are welcome everywhere except the Café Ambio next door.

3. Welcoming attractions for woofs

  • Brockhole Visitor Centre on Windermere is a rambling Arts and Crafts house packed with different levels and exhibits. Dogs are welcome everywhere apart from the main café, adventure playground and indoor children’s areas
  • Derwent Pencil Museum, Keswick will open up your eyes to the humble pencil. We particularly enjoyed the spy pencil exhibit which was straight out of James Bond. Roam anywhere you like with your dog apart from the café
  • The Puzzling Place in Keswick is dog-friendly, although maybe only for the most adventurous pups. There are a lot of sloping surfaces and mirrors!
A Border Collie in the Lake District

4. Full steam ahead for the woof-woof express!

If you hanker after the elegant age of steam, these nostalgic railways are just the ticket. Your dogs are welcome to travel with you too.

For dogs who can cope with longer train journeys, you might want to check out these options too:

5. Retail fur-rapy

  • Beetham Nurseries garden centre near Milnthorpe offers a great respite from the rain. Dogs are welcome everywhere apart from the café.
  • Hayes Garden World, Ambleside has a huge inside space to roam around. Dogs are allowed everywhere in this garden centre apart from in the café.
  • Podgy Paws Pet Shop, Keswick – need to level up your lead or grab a dog coat? This is the spot for you.
  • Yew Tree Barn is a treasure trove of architectural salvage and antiques not far from the south end of Windermere.
Jack Russell shopping

6. Paws for a pint?

When it is raining cats and dogs, sometimes the best thing is to hunker down in a welcoming pub. Many offer board games or books to while away a few hours. Here are some of our favourite dog-friendly places:

7. Pooch pamper time

If your dog is in need of some grooming, could now be a good time? Here are just some of the talented dog groomers in the area:

Yorkshire Terrier with Cucumber Mask

What do you recommend as the best thing to do in the Lake District with dogs when it rains?

We’d love to know! If you’ve any photos where you’ve barked up the right tree out of the rain, please tag us in @cumbria_dot_com on Instagram or @cumbriadotcom on Twitter.

If you would like to find places to stay that our dog friendly, read our guide Best Dog-Friendly Hotels in the Lake District.

Disclaimer: We’ve tried to be accurate when writing this article, but information can change. Please check for yourself before making any decisions based on this blog.